XR, documentary, and education
Documentary producer and director, creative director and producer of animated films, web3 enthusiast, and XR educator and producer: in short, a storyteller in an ever-evolving media landscape.

Interactive XR
Based on a 1990 documentary by Jürgen Böttcher, where a woman believes she hears a sound inside the Berlin Wall, this augmented reality piece features a dream of breaking through.
To try yourself, please use the QR code; suggested sound on, and tap the hammer to continue the story.
These are brief clips of several augmented reality scenes for various science departments. Each movement happens upon tapping items on the screens. These scenarios were utilized by over 700 students simultaneously.
Award-winning, “expert” in documentary filmmaking
Selected as an “expert” in documentary by the US Dept. Of State’s Bureau of Cultural Affairs and winner of a gold Telly award for directing, I focus on unconventional heroes and underrepresented voices.
Other work
Practical education
Student work and teaching philosophy.
Commercial work
Industry experience within the last five years.
Written work
About the dissertation and book. *Image of Jürgen Böttcher by Liz Matar.
Creative director of this 30-minute animated film.
My documentaries
About my documentaries, distribution, funding, and awards.
Explorations in the metaverse
I am a believer in hands-on learning, practical experience, and creative freedom. I also have a long track-record of inclusivity training, and I try to incorporate this into my classroom, utilizing the Edit10 guidelines.